Conscious Leadership.
+31 (6) 14 27 24 46
Clarity in Crisis
When the stakes are high
Daring Decisions in Complex Times
As a business leader, every day you are confronted with decisions.
Thanks to your education, experience and common sense you have always known how to make the right call.
But more and more, you realize that the complexity that you are facing is HUGE. It has become so big that you no longer know what the right choice is.
Somehow, your head seems unable to solve it anymore.
You feel lost and lonely. You feel trapped in your company's protocol. You feel suffocated in corporate culture.
How can you SOLVE this?
As a leader, the only true resource that you have is your relationships. Only with EXCELLENT relationships, you can make TOUGH, IMPACTFUL decisions that are HEART CENTERED and MEANINGFUL.
About me
Hello. My name is Bertil Schaart. Years ago, I had created an external life that was perfectly accepted and even lauded by my environment.
Fortunately for me, all those years, my inner voice never ceased talking. It was speaking louder and louder, until it shouted so loud that I was finally able to really open my eyes and look at myself.
My life, my work, it was all theater play. I was an actor with a script on the stage of my own life. I decided to take radical measures.
I learnt that I am entirely responsible for the happiness, success and meaning in my life. By quitting my job, I started a journey towards a complete new life.
It was very painful. I dared to say goodbye to a very comfortable life that my ego desperately tried to cling onto.
I died a little on the inside. It also brought new life with a new mindset at the same time.
I believe most business decisions are made because of existing doctrine. They therefore mostly result in limited incremental progress. To truly have impact, decisions need to be taken from a transcending multidimensional perspective.
I help business leaders to navigate through complex situations and make the right decisions for their company and personal life: with both the mind and the heart.
I hold a Master of Science degree of Delft University of Technology and an MBA degree from INSEAD.
Business owners
Leadership is performance. You have to be conscious of your behaviour, because every one else is.
Founders of startups and scale-ups
Started your idea with a lot of drive and passion and now you drown in managerial and administrative tasks?
C-level executives
In charge of people and products and wanting to do the right thing?
They say

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John Warwick

Bertil is someone who looks for the essence in experiences, people and in business. He has a very positive and practical outlook on life while at the same time is not afraid to take risks. He is a friendly rebel with a cause, a person with a longing for truth and authenticity and with his personality gives others the space to do the same. I’m so happy our paths crossed and it’s a true joy to work with him.
Peter Vermeiren
Our Courses
Online Course Program
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Leadership Guiding Principles
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xxx hours of inspiring podcasts
The highest form of leadership is one in which a leader raises up other leaders - not as an accident, but as a result of conscious effort.
Course Price
Premium online course Daring Decisions
9 lessons
Unlimited access to the online course
Monthly accountability call
Monthly one-on-one strategy talk
3 urgency calls per month.
Annual event

Critical thinking is useless without critical action.
- Bertil Schaart
I want you to succeed in making the right decisions for your company. I am convinced that if you use the guiding principles for Conscious Leadership, you transform your organization into a force for good. All I ask your commitment. If you simply commit, YOU WILL SEE RESULTS. But don’t just listen to this program, TAKE ACTION! If you start the program and don’t feel like it is working for you, you can return the entire system at no cost to you within 30 days of purchase.
Simply contact our Customer Service team within 30 days of your purchase and request a refund. The only risk is inaction!
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Conscious Leadership.
© 2019